Saelig Unveils Micsig MHO3: 500MHz Oscilloscopes, 14” High-Res Touchscreen

Micsig's 5th-generation digital storage oscilloscope, the MHO3 Series, with up to 500MHz bandwidth, 3GSa/s sampling rate, 4 analog channels, and 360Mpts memory depth, utilizes a 12-bit high-resolution ADC with 4096 quantization levels, 16 times that of traditional 8-bit oscilloscopes.


Saelig Company, Inc. has announced the introduction of Micsig’s 5th-generation digital storage oscilloscope, the MHO3 Series, with up to 500MHz bandwidth, 3GSa/s sampling rate, 4 analog channels, and 360Mpts memory depth. The MHO series oscilloscopes utilize a 12-bit high-resolution ADC with 4096 quantization levels, 16 times that of traditional 8-bit oscilloscopes, allowing users to better observe even very small waveform details. A 14-inch integrated touch screen with resolution of 1920 x 1200 provides a sharp, clear waveform display that is designed for speedy operational adjustments. All operations can be completed by touch, intuitively and efficiently. The user interface has been simplified to allow even newer engineers to quickly learn how to use the scope. For instance, traditional oscilloscopes need to sequentially step up or down when adjusting the time base; the MHO series has a time base matrix display, allowing users to reach any time base immediately.

There are three models in the MHO3 series: 500MHz MHO3-5004, 350MHz MHO3-3504, and 250MHz MHO3-2504, all offering a 230,000 wfm/s capture rate and a noise floor of less than 80uVrms. Insufficient memory depth often leads to distortion when long time base signals are expanded, but these scope with their memory depth of up to 360Mpts see no reduction in performance even with two channels operating at the same time. The signals will still maintain excellent fidelity even at long time base, and engineers can accurately capture weak but significant signals during their circuit debug and signal analysis tasks. 

Hardware digital filtering can selectively allow or block signal components within specific frequency ranges. The MHO bandwidth can be adjusted from full bandwidth down to 30Hz, effectively removing interference and noise. The MHO series provides multiple triggers, including edge, pulse width, logic, Nth edge, Runt, slope, bus decoding, etc. Standard serial bus decoders are provided: RS-232/422/485/ UART, CAN, LIN, CAN FD, SPI, I2C, ARINC429, 1553B. Math features allow for the simultaneous calculations of the average, maximum, minimum, and RMS of 10 measurement types, with a maximum count of up to 10,000. Mathematical calculations include: add, subtract, multiply, divide, integrate, differentiate, and a custom function formula capability for advanced signal analysis. FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) allows for real-time spectral analysis of input waveforms. Signals can be stored efficiently as segmented waveforms, or exported for analysis using Matlab or Excel, or as WAV format files.

In addition to the standard BNC passive probes, the MHO series supports connection to all specialized Micsig probes: Mic-OPI™ optical-fiber isolated probes, high-voltage differential probes, and AC/DC current probes, to maximize the measurement performance. The patented Mic-OPI™ probe interface on MHO and MDO oscilloscope can provide automatic probe compensation. 

MHO3 series oscilloscopes, housed in an ultra-thin (15.75” x 11.0” x 1.4”) sleek black case and weighing only 9.5lbs, support VESA wall/arm mounting, significantly saving precious desktop space. PC or smartphone remote control of the instrument is possible, with an HDMI port available too for demonstration purposes. SCPI control also helps engineers make custom automated measurements efficiently. Interfaces provided include USB 3.0 Host, USB Type-C, LAN, HDMI, Trigger out, etc.

Made by Shenzhen-based Micsig, a leading provider of battery-powered portable and handheld oscilloscopes since 2004, the MHO3 series of digital oscilloscopes is available now from stock at Saelig Company Inc., Micsig’s authorized North American distributor.