Saelig’s Aaronia Spectran V6 ECO analyzes spectra in real-time up to 7.25GHz


Saelig Company, has introduced the Spectran V6 ECO 100XA-6 real-time, high-performance, spectrum analyzer and monitoring receiver, designed to capture even the shortest and intermittent signal transmissions. With a remarkable scanning speed and recording time, this analyzer scans 6GHz in 2ms (3THz/s), making it possibly the world’s fastest USB spectrum analyzer. Incorporating advanced customer and technology input on to Aaronia’s previous Spectran V6 series of real-time spectrum analyzers, the Spectran V6 ECO sets new standards to suit most customer needs, featuring an operating range from 9kHz to 6GHz, with an optional extension to 7.25GHz to allow for Wi-Fi 6E measurements. The V6 ECO offers a real-time bandwidth of 44MHz or 500GHz/s sweep speed. 

A broadband oscilloscope is integrated into the Rx1 path and can be used simultaneously with the Rx1 Power Meter input. The Power Meter function has a frequency range of 1MHz to 8GHz with an accuracy of +/- 1dB, an impulse response time of 10ns, and a dynamic range of 70dB. The Power Meter’s ADC has a real-time sampling rate of 2.5MSa/s with 12-bit resolution, which corresponds to a pulse resolution of 400ns. This enables very fast power monitoring, which can be used, for example, to protect the preamplifier stage by automatically switching off when overloaded. Power Meter functions can be used, for instance, in the characterization of RF signals, troubleshooting in wireless communication systems, quality control in the production of electronic devices, and in the analysis of radio transmissions.

The USB-connected Spectran V6 ECO 100XA-6 comes with the powerful software RTSA-Suite PRO for signal recording and data analysis, which transforms the V6 ECO into a fully-featured benchtop spectrum analyzer. This software is an extremely powerful and flexible tool with an intuitive, customizable user interface. This node-based software enables users to identify, capture, demodulate and track any signal, and offers a multitude of ways to graphically display the signal detection. Features include: Multiple 2D/3D Spectrum Analysis, 2D/3D IQ Streaming and Decoding, Multi Unit Stitching and Multi Frequency Monitoring, etc. Also included are Filereader and Filewriter for recording and playback of IQ data, remote http or scripts. In addition, there is a range of additional functions available, which can be easily installed later via a software license and thus considerably increase the functionality of the device or adapt it to changing requirements.  

When confronted with RF challenges such as spectrum monitoring, RF and microwave measurements, Interference hunting, EMC testing or Wi-Fi and wireless network measurements, the Spectran V6 ECO 100XA-6 is ideal for making reliable and fast measurements in both the field and in the lab. The V6 ECO offers a solution for almost every application.