STMicroelectronics provides STM32 support for Microsoft VS Code


STMicroelectronics a global semiconductor leader serving customers across the spectrum of electronics applications has announced tool extensions that bring the advantages of Microsoft Visual Studio Code to STM32 microcontrollers.

VS Code is a popular Integrated Development Environment (IDE), acclaimed for its ease of use and flexible features such as IntelliSense that simplifies and accelerates code editing. Access to the STM32 ecosystem, from within Visual Studio Code, now makes these features available to even more embedded developers of the wide STM32 community. It also lets developers accustomed to working on high-level and consumer applications easily create embedded solutions that are power-efficient, compact, and economical.

“Connecting VS Code with our STM32 ecosystem makes the power of the industry-leading STM32 family of microcontrollers more accessible than ever,” said Daniel Colonna, Marketing Director of Microcontrollers, STMicroelectronics. “Communities for whom VS Code is the preferred environment, including high-level software developers, academics, and enthusiasts and makers, can now choose to make their ideas real using STM32 MCUs without leaving their preferred development environment.”

“Through our deep collaboration with STMicroelectronics we have been able to provide capabilities that allow STM32 projects to be used in Visual Studio Code,” said Marc Goodner, Principal Product Manager, Microsoft. “This provides an excellent solution for existing STM32 embedded developers while expanding the reach of the STM32 platform to the millions of developers already using Visual Studio Code.

The new support extends the selection of tools available to all STM32 developers, including hardware integrators and mass-market customers that typically choose from commercial tools or ST’s free Eclipse-based STM32CubeIDE environment. VS Code and the STM32 VS Code Extension are available free of charge.