TSSC signs MoU with Gujarat Kaushalya University

TSSC signs MoU with Gujarat Kaushalya University to help develop roadmap for drone manpower in India


The Telecom Sector Skill Council (TSSC), the council for skilling in telecom, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with The Kaushalya- Skill University, The Government of Gujarat led skill university to develop a roadmap for skilled manpower around futuristic technologies.

The MoU, which has been signed for a period of five years, is primarily focused at working together to create industry led skill centres promoting skilled manpower in the telecom sector including special focus on drone technology and other emergent technologies. This includes Training of Trainers (ToT), under the NSQF standards.

The Kaushalya – Skill University Registrar IAS H.R. Suthar said “Gujarat has historically been associated with forward business thinking. Drone Technology is coming up in a big way for both business use cases and for generating skilled manpower. It is critical that adequate manpower should be available for industry when required. We expect tremendous progress in drone and other technologies to drive growth in Gujarat and subsequently across the nation. TSSC are a valuable addition to this mission as they share a lot of our core ideologies for the future of India”

TSSC and The Kaushalya – Skill University will develop courses and programs relevant to the industry and help build capacity in the telecom sector. The MoU outlines the establishment of CoEs as part of TSSC’s ‘network of excellence’ aimed at delivering high-end courses to empower the youth with the tools that will help them become entrepreneurs/employable.

“We are creating a roadmap for the future of our youth and our nation. New technologies are disrupting conventional practices and Indian origin companies are leveraging this to compete with global players. I believe that for maximum business productivity, we need to provide a platform for our youth to channel their potential. Drone technology is a big and upcoming field and with governments support, we will surely make India the skill capital of the world.” said Arvind Bali, CEO, TSSC.

TSSC will support Kaushalya – The Skill University to establish close linkages with the industry to understand the evolving trends which will help evaluate the future of drone application and its related courses. The MoU also outlines the creation of a credit framework for competency-based skill training.