Videonetics Empowers Asia’s Biggest ‘Real-time Governance Center in Andhra Pradesh” with its AI powered Unified Video Computing Platform



After rigorous evaluation, Government of Andhra Pradesh selected Videonetics as the technology partner for this project. Videonetics designed a solution based on its AI & DL powered Unified Video Computing Platform (UVCP) encompassing Intelligent VMS, Intelligent Video Analytics, Intelligent Traffic Management System, Integrated e-Challan/ticket Management System and Facial Recognition System.

Collaborative surveillance of 13 districts with faster action:

Today, over 14,000 IP cameras are deployed in 13 districts of Andhra Pradesh, which are being managed by Videonetics Intelligent VMS. These cameras are strategically installed securing major entry and exit points of the city, places of importance, locations of public gatherings, police HQ, bus, and railway stations etc. To monitor urban operations round-the-clock, Intelligent VMS provides continuous viewing and recordings of these cameras, in a user-friendly interface. Authorities are equipped to instantly playback video directly from the live feeds during an emergency and handle investigation.

For proactive surveillance, Intelligent Video Analytics have been deployed at vulnerable spots so that operators can quickly respond to any incident from petty theft to more serious offenses. With intelligent video analytics algorithms, the system detects situations of crowd gathering, parking violations, anomalies related to people behaviour in a single unified interface of Videonetics Intelligent VMS.

Improved traffic management and road safety:

Road safety being paramount for the state of Andhra Pradesh, Videonetics deployed its Intelligent Traffic Management System across more than 680 junctions of the region. The bespoke system comprised Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR), powered with Red Light Violation Detection (RLVD) & Speed Violation Detection (SVD). In addition to the intersections, the ANPR solution has been integrated with IP cameras at entry-exit points in tourist spots and other places, helping law enforcement to identify non-standardised/ duplicate licence plates, blacklisted and stolen vehicles, and much more. This system is designed to help law enforcement monitor traffic round the clock, as well as record traffic violations in real-time.

Videonetics Integrated e-Challan Management Software (ICMS) has been integrated with regional vehicle database to generate e-challan along with incident evidence and violator’s address – all in a transparent manner and with the audit trail of all transactions with evidence. With the help of ICMS, traffic personnel can easily maintain record of all payments, both received and pending.

Highest precision, real-time face recognition to prevent and solve crimes:

As part of a unified solution, leading-edge facial recognition software has been deployed at nearly 1000 public places and government institutions in the state. This software instantly detects, tracks, recognises and analyses people in live video streams and compares with a database of wanted or criminal individuals. If there is a match, it notifies law enforcement instantaneously. The facial recognition software has been integrated with Crime and Criminal Tracking Network & Systems (CCTNS), National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) and many other databases to perform matching of the suspect in both live as well as in an offline manner. 

The surveillance system has helped bring down the crime rate, as well as enabled faster investigations. With 24X7 live footage being viewed from the thousands of cameras at the city as well as state level Command & Control Centre and real-time alerts being sent to the law enforcers on the ground, the police are better equipped to interject just in time to prevent mishaps. With unified solution, authorities can easily navigate and prompt specific video feeds on the video wall during an emergency.

Additionally, facial recognition has given them the right tools they need to keep a watch and identify and apprehend criminals running from the law. It plays a vital role in solving crimes efficiently, making Andhra Pradesh a safe and secure state where people can live peacefully, thrive, and grow.

Further, the open architecture of Videonetics unified solution is highly scalable and enables the Andhra Pradesh state administrators to add more applications and functionalities as and when their requirements grow to make its surveillance and traffic management infrastructure more robust, expandable and up to date.

We are proud to partner with Videonetics for this project. Its innovative unified video computing platform is proving to be a game-changer for government entities and businesses alike. This comprehensive solution has the power to help them make the most of their visual data, ensure security and governance, as well as build scalability to become future-proof,” expressed by expressed by MVS. Subba Raju, Chairman of MATRIX Security & Surveillance Pvt. Ltd.