Vishay Capacitor Series Receives 2022 AspenCore Award

Surface-Mount Ceramic Disc Capacitors for EMI Suppression Recognized in High Performance Passive / Discrete Devices Category


MALVERN, Pa.— Vishay Intertechnology, Inc. announced that the company’s SMDY1 capacitor series has received a 2022 AspenCore World Electronics Achievement Award in the High Performance Passive / Discrete Devices category. The devices are the industry’s first surface-mount ceramic disc capacitors to offer a Y1 rating of 500 VAC and 1500 VDC.

Presented by AspenCore, the world’s largest media group within the technical electronics sector, the World Electronics Achievement Awards (WEAA) program honors companies and individuals who have made outstanding contributions to innovations and development in the electronics industry worldwide. Product award winners are selected by a judging panel comprised of AspenCore senior industry analysts, as well as through online voting by engineers around the globe. This year, Vishay’s SMDY1 series stood out due to its excellent performance in the High Performance Passive / Discrete Devices category.

With their high Y1 rating, Vishay’s SMDY1 series capacitors are ideal for EMI / RFI filtering in power supplies, solar inverters, smart meters, and LED drivers. Other surface-mount capacitors for EMI suppression only provide Y1 ratings to 300 VAC, with no DC rating. In addition, the SMDY1 series offers industry-high capacitance to 4.7 nF — the closest competing devices only provide capacitance up to 1.5 nF — and higher humidity robustness with a Class IIB humidity grade (in accordance with IEC60384-14 annex I) and a moisture sensitivity level of 2a.

Award winners were recognized at a ceremony held during the Global CEO Summit on Nov. 10 in Shenzhen, China. Kong Hau, Senior R&D Manager of Vishay China, was on hand to accept the award on Vishay’s behalf. The complete list of winners is available at