WELTEC BIOPOWER modernizes 1-megawatt biogas plant in Australia


The German plant manufacturer WELTEC BIOPOWER is supporting Yarra Valley Water for the refurbishment of its  1-megawatt biogas plant in the north of Melbourne. Yarra Valley Water, is one of Australia‘s largest water and wastewater  companies. Since the completion of the waste and food waste plant by WELTEC BIOPOWER and its project partner in  2017, Yarra Valley Water’s Aurora Treatment Plant has been energy self-sufficient. In order to be able to operate the  plant profitably into the future, it has been undergoing a technical modernization including biological service planned  for August 2024. The work of the local team is being supported by WELTEC on site. 

The output of the plant, which has two 530-kilowatt CHP units, covers the energy requirements of the biogas plant. The  electricity generated is able to power both the facility itself and the sewage treatment plant, with excess energy is exported  to the electricity grid. The plant has a processing capacity of 33,000 tons of organic waste from food processors and  restaurants to generate around 7,500,000 kilowatt hours of energy per year. Accepted waste includes fats, oils, brewery and  dairy residues, fruit and vegetables which are fed into the stainless steel containers. The plant has already won prestigious  awards for its technology: These include the Premier‘s Sustainability Award for leading innovation and practice in Victoria  and the Banksia Award for Leading in Circular Economy.  

At the start of the maintenance work, the tanks will first be completely emptied. In addition, the roofs of the two 3,573 cubic  meter stainless steel fermenters and internal plant components such as the agitator technology will be replaced. The plant  will then be commissioned and operational management will be secured. The digester contents will be temporarily stored  in the storage tank and material can be filled back into the tanks after the refurbishment so the plant can be up and running  quickly. This saves resources and costs. In addition, it is easier to restart the biological process when the fermented material  is immediately available. Last but not least, the processes also comply with occupational safety requirements, which are a  high priority in Australia – especially when emptying and filling the tanks. WELTEC will also provide on-site staff training. 

“WELTEC BIOPOWER has been a valued partner in our successful journey with our Wollert Facility. We value their commitment  to safety and quality and have leveraged their expertise in mechanical and biological consulting over the lifespan of our  facility,” emphasizes Stephanie Salinas, Manager Waste to Energy Services at YVW. “WELTEC can look back on extensive  experience with such complex refurbishment projects. We are delighted that we have been able to enjoy the trust of our  customers over such a long period of time,” says Vladimir Bogatov, Area Sales Manager Asia Pacific at WELTEC BIOPOWER.  With more than 400 biogas plants planned and built worldwide and a strong service department, WELTEC has the necessary  level of expertise for such modernizations. This experience is also valued Down Under to ensure that the plant operation  remains flexible and continues to live up to its reputation as one of Australia‘s most innovative biogas projects in the future.