Toyota Hirose plant honors Infineon

First non-Japanese chip manufacturer with three Honor Quality Awards in a row


Munich, Germany, and Tokyo, Japan – 31 March 2020 – Infineon Technologies AG has achieved an impeccable quality record in its deliveries to Toyota’s Hirose plant for the sixth consecutive year. For this, the car manufacturer has now awarded Infineon the plant’s highest quality award, the Honor Quality Award, for the third time in a row. Infineon is the first non-Japanese semiconductor company to achieve this.

At the Hirose plant, Toyota manufactures electronic components for automobiles. Infineon supplies the site with transceivers for the Controller Area Network (CAN). These devices enable different control units in the car to exchange data.

The plant awards quality prizes to its suppliers every year: the longer the zero-defect quality record of a supplier, the higher the award. The Honor Quality Award is presented to suppliers who have delivered zero-defect quality for at least four consecutive years. This year’s award is Infineon’s fourth Honor Quality Award and its twelfth Zero Defect Award in total from the Hirose plant since the beginning of the cooperation more than 18 years ago.

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