How data security firewall can safe you against malvertising

By: Sonit Jain started | GajShield


Malvertising is a type of cyber-attack that involves the inclusion of malware code in advertisements featured on popular websites. In the recent past, websites of renowned organizations such as Hindustan Times, Spotify, and the London Stock Exchange have been targeted by cybercriminals through malicious advertisement links. A common social engineering technique, malvertising can be used by hackers to break into vulnerable databases via an organisation’s unsuspecting employees. Firewalls can act as a screen to prevent malware from being downloaded into a device. A firewall system actively prevents the compromise (or deletion) of company data

Continuous data network monitoring

Certain types of firewalls continually scan all the activities taking place over an organization’s data network. Such systems, known as data security firewalls, are generally employed by large organisations with several network-using employees and devices. They are programmed to block a large number of known threats that enter the network. With advanced machine learning, intelligent firewalls can be trained to deal with newer threats as well. Network monitoring firewalls can allow organisations to block certain websites, IP addresses, and mail/messaging channels to prevent malware and virus entry into office devices.

Intelligent Identity and Access Management (IAM)

While network and host-based firewalls can block out external threats, organisations must ensure the prevention of insider threats regarding the creation of malvertisements too. Context aware access protocols in data security firewalls only allow authorised individuals to access company databases at specific times. More importantly, such firewalls maintain records of network users and their activities with timestamps for further assistance. As a result, insider threats can be nipped in the bud.

About the Author: A seasoned and successful entrepreneur, Mr. Sonit Jain started GajShield in 2002 and has been the driving force responsible for establishing GajShield as the leading and continuously emerging company, offering modular integrated security solutions. His passion to make Cyber Security accessible and interesting has led him to become a leading expert in the Cyber Security Space. Under his leadership, GajShield has accelerated growth, with a worldwide network across 10,000+ locations, wealth of awards and certifications, establishing the distinction of being the only Indian Brand, operating in the Indian firewall space since 2002.