Add isolated CAN communication with new Click board from MIKROE


MikroElektronika has launched CAN Isolator 3 Click, a compact add-on board that provides isolated CAN communication. 

This Click board features the MAX14882, an isolated CAN transceiver with an integrated transformer driver from Analog Devices. It is galvanically isolated between the device’s CAN-protocol controller side (TDX, RDX) and the physical wires of the CAN network (CANH, CANL) cable-side/bus-side of the transceiver. The MAX14882 provides up to 5kVRMS of galvanic isolation for 60 seconds and a continuous working voltage of up to 848VRMS while operating at the maximum high-speed CAN data rate of 1Mbps. 

Features include a wide supply voltage range for the CAN controller interface (3V – 5V), field bus polarity control (POL), an integrated transformer driver for power transfer to the bus side, and an integrated LDO for powering the CAN bus side. The CAN bus controller exceeds the ISO 11898 specifications requirement of -2V to +7V with ±25V receiver input common-mode range. Additionally, the CANH and CANL IOs are fault tolerant up to ±54V and protected from electronic discharge (ESD) up to ±15KV to GNDB on the bus side.

Comments Nebojsa Matic, CEO of MIKROE: “This Click board makes the perfect solution for the development of automation, industrial controls, HVAC, switch-gear systems, and more.” It comes equipped with a library containing easy-to-use functions and an example code that can be used, as a reference, for further development.