Sastra Deemed University Transfers OT IDS Technology for Research Productization


Sastra Deemed University announced the technology  transfer of the Operational Technology Intrusion Detection System (OT IDS) in collaboration with  Infopercept, an aspiring IP led global cybersecurity solutions and services company from Ahmedabad. The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed between Dr. Shankar Sriram V. S. of  SASTRA Deemed University, Thanjavur and Infopercept Consulting Pvt Ltd, marking a significant step  in the transfer of technology capability for further development of OT IDS for security various critical  sectors.  

Infopercept is a part of the OT acceleration program of the National Centre of Excellence (N-CoE) Cybersecurity Technology Development and Entrepreneurship, a joint initiative by the Data Security Council of India (DSCI) and the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), Govt of  India. This OT IDS project was funded by MeitY, Govt. of India with the aim of further building up a  globally recognized OT security product from India for India and the rest of the world. The technology  transfer has been facilitated by DSCI under its OT security acceleration program. 

OT IDS plays a vital role in maintaining the reliability and security of essential operations in sectors  such as power, energy, manufacturing, automobiles, pharmaceuticals, and transportation. With this  base capability, Infopercept will further enhance OT IDS ecosystem to increase its global market  acceptance. Additionally, the company will work on refining its go-to-market strategy and execution. 

Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Shankar Sriram V. S. of SASTRA University, said, “The operational  technology and OT security product space are currently dominated by western countries. The objective  behind developing this technology was to create a product from India that caters to the world. ‘Make  in India’ in the OT space is not just a point of pride, but also makes business sense to have OT security  products made in India for Indian OT systems. The way critical infrastructure functions in India differs  from the rest of the world, and any technology proven in India can be trusted globally. We are indebted to MeitY for not only funding this project but also guiding throughout the journey of this project from  research to collaboration for productization.” 

On this momentous occasion of signing the MOU, Mr. Jaydeep Ruparelia, CEO and Founder of  Infopercept, said “Infopercept’s vision is to establish a comprehensive global IP-led managed security  services company based in India. We are thankful to Mr Vinayak Godse, CEO, DSCI, Col Vineet Madan,  Director, NCoE-DSCI, Prof. S. Vaidhyasubramaniam, Vice-Chancellor and Prof. S. Swaminathan, Dean,  Planning and Development, Sastra Deemed University for being the driving force and support behind  the technology transfer. We are extremely grateful to leaders and team of MeitY cyber security division for guiding all of us on the journey of this important milestone. We wish to build make in India OT  Security Solution for national critical infrastructure of Bharat and rest of the world. We are excited to  be in alignment with Dr. Shankar’s innovative creation.” 

Regarding the technology transfer, Vinayak Godse, CEO, DSCI, said, “OT IDS is a specialized  cybersecurity capability designed to safeguard industrial and critical infrastructure systems by  continuously monitoring and detecting intrusions. Taking the research effort forward towards logical  conclusion of building adoptable market ready product is an important milestone for the industry and  the research community. This initiative forsuccessful Research Productisation is bound to ignite a spark  and motivation for other similar ongoing initiatives. I would like to thank MeitY for their support and congratulate both Sastra University and Infopercept for joining hands, marking a significant leap from  research to productization stage.”