City University of Hong Kong Bringing Blockchain Brains Together at the Inaugural Symposium

Blockchain Brains

HONG KONG, Jan. 12, 2019 – The City University of Hong Kong (CityU) has never been shy about their fondness for blockchain technology and its applications. This January, the institution will be taking yet another step in that direction, championing the cause for blockchain adoption via a collaboration with the industry’s finest, amongst which includes Singaporean blockchain consulting firm Talenta.

Coming from an academic background, Talenta’s chairman, Edward Du, who doubles as a director at the prestigious Tsinghua Research Institute German Center, has always dreamt of having the opportunity to share his passion in the blockchain technology with other like-minded academics. This collaboration with distinguished professors at CityU serves as one of his many efforts to make blockchain education more accessible to all.

To be hosted over the weekend from 12 to 13 January 2019, the gathering will take place in the heart of the university along Tat Chee Avenue in Kowloon, Hong Kong. A thick profile of prominent names is already slated to grace the affair, with confirmed speakers including National Academy of Engineering members Dr. David Yao from Columbia University and IBM Fellow Dr. C. Mohan, Co-founder of Plus Venture Sam Wang, Chairman of Talenta Pte Ltd Edward Du, LD Capital Partner Dr. Waishun Lo, Mars Finance Founder Feng Wang, BitKan Chairman Yang Liu, HashKey Capital CEO Chao Deng, APAC President Tina Yuan, Canaan GM Kevin Shao, Huobi first CTO Ying Son, Stellar’s Head of Business Development and Technology Michael Ran, IDCM Group Chairman Michael Zhao, Johnny Chong from DFRI, Jay Liang from HK Blockchain Association, Brian Tan from HKU, as well as PwC SM Lucy Gazmarian amongst other industry leaders. More than 100 professors and experts from the academic field will also present their latest advances in the event.

The lineup for the 2-day conference will comprise a healthy balance between commercial and academic dissection, presenting insider analysis from both worlds. Respected figures in the industry will offer their takes on the market and pace of technological advancements via keynote addresses, whilst panel discussions plate the opinions of honorary mentors and professors from near and far, most notably professors from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Tsinghua University, Harbin Institute of Technology and not forgetting, resident professors at CityU.

Well aware of unpopular mercenary approaches that plagued the blockchain market in the past year, the Symposium on Blockchain Technology and Applications (SBTA) is resolute in injecting a fresh new approach in nurturing budding blockchain mavens. The conference will be concentrating strictly on technology, economics, innovation and blockchain applications, steering clear of the flashy marketing and promotional pitches that are often associated with blockchain events.

CityU has displayed much affection for blockchain technology from very early on, with a joint research centre set up in Chengdu and several more in the pipeline. This symposium is intended to serve as a platform for blockchain enthusiasts from both ends of the spectrum to meet and mingle, with the objective to spark off real connections and fruitful conversations for all.

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