Conference on Clean and Green Technologies: Urjavaran


Energy and Environment are closely linked with certain sectors of technology, and have major impact on all life forms, particularly arising out of Climate Change. A unique series of Conferences called URJAVARAN, hosted by ISHRAE (Indian Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers), addresses the concerns related to these global issues, with special emphasis on Energy Conservation & enhanced Energy Efficiency, and the need for Environmental protection from emissions.

The theme for URJAVARAN 2019 is: “Energy, Sustainability Roadmap for Healthcare and Hospitality”, & is scheduled to take place in 28 Indian cities and 4 Overseas locations.

Panel of experts at these Conferences share their knowledge and ideas on the Air Conditioning Industry focused on Energy & Sustainability, followed by a lively interaction with a well-informed audience.

At the URJAVARAN Conferences, consultants, architects, planners, builders and other construction professionals discuss how energy efficiency and minimal environment impact can be achieved in the Healthcare & Hospitality sectors, & discuss emerging trends. URJAVARAN generates awareness and synergy between industries and helps create an efficient plan of action for a total CLEAN and GREEN future in these Sectors.

Mr. Vikram Murthy President of ISHRAE said, “We live in a time and age where the impact of energy has become significantly more aggressive. So, it’s important for conferences like URJAVARAN to help initiate a multi-stakeholder dialogue across industries in order to create and discuss innovative solutions to the energy need of humans.”

The Indian Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ISHRAE), was founded in 1981 at New Delhi by a group of eminent HVAC&R professionals. ISHRAE today has nearly 28,000 HVAC&R professionals and Student-members. ISHRAE operates from 43 Chapters and sub Chapters spread all over India, with HQ in Delhi. It is led by a team of elected officers, who are members of the Society, working on a voluntary basis, and collectively called the Board of Governors.