Government Initiatives of IoT in Education Drives the Industry


Strong and expanding internet connectivity, focused government initiatives in various regions across the world, and the availability of low cost devices are some of the factors driving the growth in the global IoT in Education (IIE) market. Solutions in the global IIE market effectively integrate with one another in order to create a smooth and seamless data flow. Rise in the requirement of students to view information anywhere and anytime as well as the rising need to propagate educational information are also some of the major drivers for the global IoT in education market.

Rising Adoption of IoT Enabled Devices Fuels Growth in IoT in Education Market

However, the rising vulnerability concerning digital data security as well as privacy and complications pertaining to financial information infrastructure as well as services may hinder the growth in the global IIE market in coming years. On the other hand, rising adoption of IoT enabled devices is anticipated to provide players in the global IIE market with various new and exciting opportunities for growth and expansion. Furthermore, rise in the usage of learning management systems in order to collect and analyze massive amounts of data among universities and schools is also favoring the expansion of the global IIE market.

Solutions in the global IIE market are also used to integrate various mobile learning applications. These apps can assist students in taking complete advantages of their resources and course materials, effectively manage assignments, and harmoniously work together. Some of the key applications for solutions in the global IoT in education market include big data analytics, lecture capturing solutions, learning management solutions, and academic devices, among others.  

Few of the leading and most prominent players and vendors operating in the global IIE market include Adobe Systems, Intel Corporation, TopScan LLC or Scanmarker, SMART Technologies, ARM Ltd., Unit4, SunGuard K-12, Google Inc., Ellucian Company L. P., Educomp Solution, IBM Corporation, IPEVO Inc., Sonic Foundary Inc., Cisco Systems, and N2N Services, among others.

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