Increasing Role of Technology in Future of Security


Technology is a dynamic concept. It is ever evolving in its applications and utility, from the stone age to the iron age, and then to the era we live in today. As it evolves, it also enhances every sector and industry. Technology has made revolutionary changes in every aspect of human life, mainly for quality of life. One key industry that technology is having a greater effect on is the security industry. As we are entering into a digital age, security is having a greater focus placed on it, more specifically data security of all users. Changes in security systems can be slow. Society has to implement any new security technology as a group, embracing the change it brings.

Security is evolving in both the digital and physical space with the help of technology. Security is and always has been a major concern for every individual, company or industry. Physical security is on a broader scope as compared to digital, but both are steadily increasing with the advent of newer technology. Some instances of physical security issues and the technological solution to them are:

Corporate security breaches: This can occur when individuals enter an organization by proxy or sneak into restricted areas to gain access to private and confidential information. This can also mean theft or leaking of company records.

The solution: AI-based surveillance cameras that can report infractions, as well as facial access to ensure no proxies try to enter the premises.

Logistic breaches: even manufacturing, production and warehousing can have a need for greater security measures, to ensure there is no tampering being done with products or incidents going unnoticed.

The solution: Body behavioral analysis engines which work to detect any abnormal behavior of workers and report theft or similar incidents going on inside the premises.

Physical Security: although it is now much easier to detect weapons or other illegal objects on individuals, some people can get creative with hiding, and may slip by security.

The solution: AI-based object detection systems can supplement existing X-ray machines, enabling accurate analysis and detection of hazardous objects on individuals.

Digital Security also has a need for better technology due to surge in cybersecurity attacks:

Social media security breaches: Not only do social media sites give hackers access to personal information, but some sites can also share your exact whereabouts at any point in time. As mobile technology is continuously emerging, so are mobile cybersecurity threats.

The solution: Enhanced net code and autonomous security systems can greatly reduce the number of attacks and breaches while reducing human intervention.

Botnet: A botnet is a number of computers set up to forward information (like spam and viruses) to other computers. In the past, botnets were set up to take email and password credentials, which were very useful to spammers.

The solution: with the emergence of better, more efficient technology, there is a greater scope for security against botnet attacks, which include filtering botnet related traffic and sink holing domains using DNS registrars.

The Future of Security

The future of security, considering the application technology is vast. At a glance, we can look at several additions and improvements to both physical and digital security:

  • Autonomous and Intelligent Security
  • Surveillance Drones
  • Visual and audio detection
  • Facial authentication access
  • Intelligent perimeter detection
  • Traffic monitoring
  • Law enforcement humanoid robots
  • Autonomous security robots

And many more such technologies are coming in with the advent of new technologies, which in turn help with improved security and operational efficiency.

Prisma AI’s role in security

Prisma AI has had its own innovations in the field of security, using Artificial Intelligence and machine learning in order to develop effective systems which can greatly improve the security of any sector or domain to which it is deployed. Prisma AI provides AI-based surveillance systems that perform a variety of tasks using specialized algorithms.

For instance, Prisma AI has algorithms which can effectively analyze the various body movements of an individual to deduce whether they are doing something illegal and need to be apprehended, or report individuals who are attempting theft, or are in need of medical attention. Prisma AI is continuously innovating to develop more systems which can incorporate all upcoming technologies. Prisma AI’s incident detection systems can also detect any type of incident such as fire incidents, vandalism, etc. taking place in real-time and report it immediately. Currently, Prisma AI is also venturing into drone-based technologies which could provide an aerial perspective with technological inputs. Prisma AI is also working on facial authentication-based access systems which are designed to analyze every point of a person’s facial structure.

About the author:

Dr. Shreeram Iyer is Chairman and Group Chief Executive Officer at Prisma AI.