Indium Corporation Host webinar on Solder Paste Fundamentals


Two of Indium Corporation’s experts will host an InSIDER Series webinar on solder paste printing fundamentals and best practices. The webinar will be on Thursday, June 17, at 3 p.m. India/5:30 p.m. China/10:30 a.m. Britain.

As the industry has evolved and SMT has become more demanding, it is important to understand the basics of the process. The first and the most important step in the SMT process is successfully getting the adequate amount of paste on the board, which is commonly done by stencil printing. However, the same step is also responsible for a majority of defects in the SMT process. Going back to the basics and ensuring you have the correct materials, design, and setup can save you from expensive defects down the line. In Solder Paste Printing – Fundamentals and Best Practices, Area Technical Managers Liyakathali Koorithodi and Tushar Tike will present on the material, design, and process aspects affecting solder paste printing and proven ways to overcome these challenges.

Indium Corporation’s InSIDER Series is a free program designed to deliver expert technical content, share industry knowledge, and promote professional growth using a virtual platform. Current and future scheduled webinars, as well as recordings of past webinars.

Koorithodi is an area technical manager for India. He provides support for Indium Corporation’s full line of materials for electronics assembly, semiconductor and advanced assembly, and thermal management markets. He is based in Chennai, India. Koorithodi has more than 20 years of experience in electronics assembly manufacturing. He has a diploma in mechanical engineering from the Department of Technical Education, Government of Kerala, and is an SMTA-certified SMT Process Engineer. He earned his Six Sigma Green Belt from Motorola University. Koorithodi previously worked for several major manufacturing companies, including two years at Nokia in Chennai. In addition, Koorithodi has written articles for several industry publications and has presented at numerous technical conferences and customer sites.

Tike is the area technical manager for North and West India. He provides technical support for Indium Corporation’s electronics assembly materials, semiconductor and advanced assembly materials, engineered solders, and thermal management materials. He is currently based in Mumbai, India. Tike joined Indium Corporation in 2019. He has previously worked as a process engineer for a global EMS provider in San Jose, Calif., where he focused on process stability and improvements in SMT and post-SMT stages for various product types. He earned his B.Tech. in mechanical engineering from Mumbai University and an M.S. in industrial and systems engineering from the State University of New York at Binghamton. He is a Certified SMT Process Engineer (CSMTPE) and earned his Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certification from Dartmouth College’s Thayer School of Engineering, N.H., U.S.

To register for their webinar, visit The webinar link will be shared with registrants the day of the event. Registrants must use a company email account to avoid Indium Corporation’s spam filters. This is a first-come, first-served event.