Mouser and ST Develop New Content Stream Devoted to the Latest in Industry 4.0


Mouser Electronics, Inc., the authorized global distributor with the newest semiconductors and electronic components, and STMicroelectronics (ST), a global semiconductor leader serving customers across the spectrum of electronics applications, have partnered to create a new resource site highlighting the products, insights and strategies required for smart industry designs. Designers and engineers can access the platform by visiting

STMicroelectronics is a technology leader in enabling designs for Industry 4.0, offering the connectivity and sensor solutions needed to create the next generation of smart designs. The new Industry 4.0 content stream includes more than two dozen articles, flipbooks, and product descriptions to support advanced industrial solutions.

The site also features Industrial Sensing Solutions, a recent eBook from Mouser and ST that explores the different types of intelligent sensors and the technical challenges that may arise when using them in designs. Each article and flipbook includes product information for relevant STMicroelectronics products, allowing engineers to quickly identify and learn about the technology needed for Industry 4.0 applications.

Mouser offers a wide range of ST solutions, including several sensors and development kits for prototyping intelligent industrial applications. STEVAL-MKSBOX1V1 is a ready-to-use development kit with wireless Internet of Things (IoT) and wearable sensor platform to help engineers use and develop apps based on remote motion and environmental sensor data, regardless of expertise level. ST’s STEVAL-BFA001V2B industrial reference design kit makes it easy for engineers to build condition monitoring and predictive maintenance solutions for industrial applications. The easy-to-use kit includes a specialty industrial sensor board as well as a programming and debugging tool.

To learn more about STMicroelectronics, visit