Anritsu announced a major update to MS27201A Remote Spectrum Monitor (RSM). The MS27201A now goes from 9 kHz to 54 GHz, making it the only RSM that covers the entire 5G FR1 and FR2 ranges. We have launched new options with upper frequency up to 14 GHz (Option 714), 26.5 GHz (Option 720), 32 GHz (Option 732), and 54 GHz (Option 754).
All frequency options will support the following calibrations:
• Standard Calibration
• Premium Calibration
• Accredited Calibration
In addition, we are thrilled to unveil new measurements features:
• Option 199 – Real-time spectrum analysis (RTSA)
• Option 421 – Pulse analyzer
• Option 509 – AM/FM demodulation measurements
Key Features and Benefits
Real-Time Spectrum Analysis (RTSA) (Option 199)
The new Option 199 adds the ability to perform real-time spectrum analysis (RTSA). This tool is powerful for finding interfering signals with 110 MHz instantaneous bandwidth (Option 104) and the ability to detect signals down to 2.05 μs duration with 100% POI at full amplitude. This provides the ability to detect extremely short-duration interference signals.

The remote spectrum monitor instrument software allows the user to monitor for inference live using the RTSA mode. In addition, multiple remote spectrum monitor instruments can be controlled simultaneously, allowing the monitoring with numerous RTSAs, identifying signals behavior at different location for further analysis and locating.
Pulse Analyzer Measurements (Option 421)
The new Option 421 provides automated measurements and characterization of pulse signals, such as radar. This option allows the user to automate the capture and display of pulsed signals, providing a comprehensive readout of pulse measurements.

AM/FM Modulation Measurements (Option 509)
The new Option 509 adds a comprehensive AM/FM modulation quality measurement suite. National regulators and owners of broadcast AM and FM transmitter sites can use it to measure transmitters to confirm they are not over-modulating or interfering with adjacent carriers in a very crowded spectrum.

The new AM/FM modulation measurement option delivers the most comprehensive measurement suite in a remote spectrum analyzer. The RF spectrum, audio frequency spectrum, demodulated audio in the time domain (oscilloscope format), and numeric results for key parameters are all displayed simultaneously on the remote software screen. All these results are updated simultaneously, providing the best possible real-time view of the AM or FM transmitter performance.