New Microcontrollers from ST Expand STM32U5 Series

Lead customer Ajax Systems uses STM32U5 MCUs in next-gen wireless security and smart home solutions. STM32U5 series MCUs are first general-purpose MCUs to receive NIST embedded random-number entropy source certification.


Geneva, Switzerland– STMicroelectronics has expanded its STM32 family of advanced microcontrollers (MCUs) with extra STM32U5 devices. It raise performance while squeezing power consumption for longer runtimes and energy efficiency. The STM32U5 has also received NIST embedded random-number entropy source certification; the industry’s first to receive this endorsement.

The new MCUs extend the range of code and data storage to 128Kbyte Flash for cost-sensitive applications, while also adding high-density versions for complex applications and sophisticated smartphone-like user interfaces. Among these, the STM32U59x/5Ax with 4Mbyte Flash and 2.5Mbyte SRAM has the largest on-chip memory of any STM32 MCU to date.

With their increased capabilities, the new MCUs enhance deeply embedded applications like environmental sensors, industrial actuators, building automation, smart appliances, wearable devices, eMobility controls, and others, especially in remote, difficult to access locations. As billions of such devices are being deployed worldwide for smart living and working, ST’s new MCUs accelerate progress by boosting performance, enhancing energy efficiency, and strengthening cybersecurity.

All STM32 MCUs are based on industry-standard Arm Cortex-M embedded CPU cores and benefit from the powerful and easy-to-use STM32Cube and STM32Cube.AI development ecosystem. This ecosystem consolidates tools and software to support customers’ projects from start to finish, including the creation of cutting-edge AI/ML solutions through conversion of pretrained neural networks into optimized code.


The STM32U5 series leverages the latest generation, the Cortex-M33, which incorporates advancements that increase performance, energy efficiency, and resistance to online and hardware attacks. Around this core, ST has added its ultra-low-power MCU knowhow and implemented an architecture that leverages established Arm principles for superior cybersecurity. Further, some devices in the series provide a 2.5D graphics accelerator. The result is a groundbreaking MCU series that offers a large selection of pin-to-pin and software-compatible products ready to tackle next-generation applications.

Because many applications demand extra functionality, richer graphics, and faster performance while running longer, using a smaller battery, or employing energy harvesting, we’ve developed the STM32U5 and are extending the series, today,” said Ricardo De Sa Earp, Executive Vice President General-Purpose Microcontroller Sub-Group, STMicroelectronics. “This MCU combines the latest Arm core, our unique ultra-low-power technologies, generous on-chip memory, and the option of our NeoChrom graphics engine to elevate the user’s visual experience.”

Among ST’s lead customers for the STM32U5 series, Ajax Systems is already designing future generations of its advanced wireless security and smart home solutions using the new MCUs. Max Melnyk, Device Department R&D Director at Ajax, commented, “Working with STMicroelectronics, a global giant in the semiconductor market, helps us evolve and strengthen Ajax products. The STM32U5 series significantly lowers power consumption while maintaining the same performance we achieved using other MCUs that contain DSP and floating-point co-processors. And we can reuse 90 percent of our existing code. An additional, major advantage for us is the large integrated SRAM, which is enough to handle a double frame buffer for fast and fluid graphics performance. There is also generous flash for loading resources. I’m sure it’ll drive the development of the next generations of Ajax products.”