Optical spectrum analyser gets HCDR and SMSR modes

HCDR (high close-in dynamic range) and SMSR (side mode suppression ratio) modes have been added to Yokogowa's AQ6370 optical spectrum analyzer.


HCDR mode, found in the AQ6370E, provides for the measurement of a single longitudinal mode laser with a high close-in dynamic range – CDR is an important parameter for constructing lasers and optical systems. SMSR mode is designed to cut SMSR measurement time in half.

Along with these, the company offers an APP mode, which can provide a device-under-test with a specific user interface that guides the user from setup settings to test result output, “so that customers who are unfamiliar with optical spectrum analysers can use it easily.”

Wavelength accuracy is typically 0.008nm spanning the 600 to 1,700nm range of the instrument, with a resolution of 0.02nm.

The normal close-in dynamic range is 78dB, while the level range is +20 to -90dBm. CE marking criteria should be met by the end of June.

Characterising components such as lasers for optical communications, optical transceivers, and optical amplifiers are expected to be used.