Quantum announced ActiveScale S3-compatible object store software verified by Veeam Ready Object Solution


Bengaluru, India August 5, 2020 — Quantum Corp. has announced ActiveScale S3-compatible object store software has been verified as a Veeam Ready Object Solution. ActiveScale object store solutions adds to a growing list of Quantum offerings on the Veeam Ready roster, and its qualification with Veeam extends Quantum’s leadership role in storing and managing unstructured data in the Enterprise using a software-defined approach.

In March 2020 Quantum acquired the ActiveScale solution, a software-defined object store that provides massive scale and the highest levels of data durability.  ActiveScale software is simple to deploy and manage, offering a reliable solution for long term retention of backup data. Designed as a self-healing, highly scalable object storage system, ActiveScale software provides a data-forever storage infrastructure.

Veeam, the leader in Backup solutions that deliver Cloud Data Management™, supports the Veeam Ready Program to provide a solution qualification process to ensure its Veeam Technology Alliance Program (TAP) partners meet Veeam functional and performance standards. By attaining Veeam Ready status, customers are assured that storage solutions are compatible with Veeam Backup & Replication™ features.

Building Momentum in Active Archive

The acquisition of ActiveScale object storage, combined with leading tape platforms, elevates Quantum’s participation in the archive community and further strengthens the company’s focus and participation in customers’ active archive infrastructure. The Active Archive Alliance announced July 20 that Quantum has joined the organization, which collaboratively provides end-users with the technical expertise to design and implement modern solutions to manage large unstructured data growth for decades. Quantum joins a growing number of industry-leading storage and IT vendors that work together to elevate new active archiving strategies, technologies and use cases to unlock the value of archival data.

“Quantum is a long-standing Veeam Ready technology partner, and the ActiveScale software is a welcome addition to our roster of qualified solutions,” said Andreas Neufert, Vice President Product Management, Alliances at Veeam. “With the qualification of ActiveScale object storage as Veeam Ready, Quantum demonstrates they can provide highly efficient archive capabilities for our joint customers. The collaboration between Veeam and Quantum empowers customers to extract the most value from their private cloud investments.”

“Acquiring ActiveScale object store solutions has been an important step in our growth strategy and is a natural fit with our software-defined approach to managing and storing unstructured data,” said Bruno Hald, Vice President and General Manager, Secondary Storage, Quantum. “Qualification with Veeam further demonstrates our commitment to expanding the value of ActiveScale object storage for our customers.”

For more information, please visit www.quantum.com.