Toshiba Introduced Ultra-Low Capacitance TVS Diode

Toshiba Introduces Ultra-Low Capacitance TVS Diode That Protects IoT's High-Frequency Antenna From ESD


Kawasaki, Japan : Toshiba Electronic Devices and Storage Corporation has launched an ultra-low capacitance TVS diode, “ DF2B6M4BSL ”, for high-frequency antennae. This diode protects semiconductors and other electronic components from static electricity and noise, as well as eliminates signal faults. The dispatch of this new product starts today.

High-frequency antennas used in radio messages such as Wi- Fi® need to protect electronic components from high harmonic distortion. The DF2B6M4BSL offers a total capacitance of 0.15pF (max), the minimum offered by Toshiba, which is approximately 25% less than its current product, the DF2B6M4ASL. The new TVS diode uses ultra-low capacitance to eliminate high harmonic distortion that affects antenna reception performance, and also reduces static electricity and noise affecting components.

ESD suppressors are sometimes used in high-frequency antennae and can be substituted with DF2B6M4BSL; TVS diodes have higher protection performance than ESD suppressors, and can reduce static electricity.

The DF2B6M4BSL is also suitable for ESD protection in signal lines in addition to improving the reliability of high-frequency antennas.

ESD protection in high-frequency antennas and high-speed signal lines in electronic devices, such as IoT and mobile equipment
Low total capacitance : C t =0.12pF (typ.) / 0.15pF (max) @V R =0V, f=1MHz
Low Harmonic Distortion Characteristics
f=2.4GHz, 20dBm input states
Second Harmonics : -65.5dBm (Reference)
Third Harmonics : -54.4dBm (Reference)
f=5.0GHz, 20dBm input states
Second Harmonics: -64.7dBm (Reference)
Third Harmonics: -55.5dBm (Reference)
Low V Peak Voltage: V CL – Max  Peak = 215V (Reference) @IEC61000-4-2 (Contact), +8kV Input
Key Specifications
(@T a =25°C)
part numberDF2B6M4BSL
assured maximum ratingselectrostatic current voltage

(IEC61000-4-2) (Contact)

ESD (kV)
Working Highest Reverse Voltage V RWM max (V)5.5
Holding Voltage V H (V)@I t1 =1mAthe minimum5.6
Total Capacitance C t typ. (pF)@V R =0V, f=1MHztype.0.12
harmonic distortion

Reference (dBm)
@f=2.4GHz, 20dBm inputSecond-65.5
@f=5.0GHz, 20dBm inputSecond-64.7
CL-max-peak reference (V)@IEC61000-4-2 (contact), +8kV input215
Sample checking and availabilitybuy online

Follow the link below for more information on the new product.

Follow the link below to learn more on Toshiba’s TVS diodes (ESD Protector Diodes) line-up.
TVS Diodes (ESD Protection Diodes)

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* The information contained in this document, including product prices and specifications, service content and contact information, is as of the date of the announcement, but may be changed without prior notice.