Tudor-Lambda recognized Mouse Electronics for exceptional sales growth


June 6, 2019 – Mouser Electronics announced that it has received 2019 Extra Sale Increase Award from TDK-Lambda, a group company of TDK Corporation, TDK-Lambda.

The award was given to Mouser to celebrate the efforts of the distributor, who helped TDK-Lambda cross the growth and sales targets last year. TDK-Lambda is a leading industrial power supply company, which is extensively expanding business in the global market with highly reliable products. Mouser also won the Sales Achievement Award from TDK-Lambda for the 2013, 2012 and 2011 sales achievement.

“We are very honored to receive this top award from our valued supplier, TDK-Lambda,” said Tom Busher, Vice President of Supplier Management at Mouser. “We have an outstanding partnership and look forward to continued success.”

“Congratulations to Mouser for their great sales achievement in North America. This award represents our appreciation for the important contributions that Mouser makes to TDK-Lambda’s sales success,” stated Julie Fajardo, Director National Distribution Sales at TDK-Lambda.

TDK-Lambda products reflect advanced materials technology, process technology, evaluation and simulation technology, circuit design technology and other core technologies.

For more information, visit : www.mouser.com/tdklambda.