SEMI University Started for Semiconductor Workforce Development 


New Delhi- ELCINA and ESSCI announced that they will support SEMI in bringing its newly launched SEMI University online learning platform to India. SEMI is the global industry association for the electronics manufacturing and design supply chain. The announcement was made on occasion of 10th Foundation Day ESSCI. An ELCINA White Paper on “Developing India’s Semiconductor Workforce” was also released during the 12thSource India – Electronics Supply Chain Summit on 14th February 2023. Further, the industry inputs in this document enhance and delivers a certification stack and certification checklists. This is to enable the development of a structured manufacturing skill program for the semiconductor sector.

SEMI University is a SEMI initiative. Their training courses are being promoted in India with ELCINA-ESSCI in sync with the global launch. The new SEMI University platform has launched with more than 360 courses. These are created for the industry, providing an easy-to-use online semiconductor training program for employees. These ranging from recently hired facility operators to experienced technicians, engineers and non-technical staff.

Dr Abhilasha Gaur, COO, ESSCI, said, “the rich content from SEMI enables ESSCI to take a leap forward in enabling India in this sector.” 

Moreover, SEMI University offers semiconductor courses on front-end and back-end manufacturing operations, principles of chip design and workplace safety. Further, the platform also includes classes in rapidly evolving technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), MEMS and optoelectronics.