ADAS Test System Targets Autonomous Car Radar


The ADAS test solution combines NI’s VST with banded upconverters and downconverters designed to test the 76–81GHz radar band with 1GHz bandwidth.

National Instruments (NI) has demonstrated an advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) test solution, which is designed for short- and long-range radar in the 76-81GHz range. The ADAS test solution is based on NI’s mmWave front end technology and the recently released PXIe-5840 second-generation vector signal transceiver (VST), according to the company.

The ADAS test solution combines NI’s second-generation VST with banded, frequency-specific upconverters and downconverters designed to test the 76–81GHz radar band with 1GHz of real-time bandwidth. The system can function as an mmWave vector signal generator and vector signal analyser because of this design. Engineers can program the VST’s FPGA with LabVIEW to use the ADAS test solution for radar target emulation, a technique in which test equipment emulates the radar cross section, range, radial velocity and angle of arrival of a particular object. This is essential for testing a radar system’s software and hardware.
Fully autonomous driving require that future vehicles use not just radar, but a sensor fusion technique that combines inputs from GNSS, radar, cameras and LiDAR. NI’s PXI platform offers timing, triggering and synchronisation capabilities, instruments from DC to RF and bus interfaces like CAN, to provide an ideal solution for testing sensor fusion.