Continental, Ambarella to Make Systems for Autonomous Driving


BERLIN- Continental and Ambarella announced a partnership to make software and hardware systems for autonomous driving.

The two companies will focus on Level 2 plus autonomous driving. It briefly allows drivers to take their hands off the wheel through features like assisted cruise control and lane centering.

Ambarella develops a new category of semiconductors called system on a chip, or SoC. Addtionally, SoC combines multiple CPUs on one logic board and provides artificial intelligence processing.

The two firms jointly develop the technology, which will comprise high-resolution cameras and radar and lidar sensors. The necessary software will be provided by Continental and Ambarella, the statement said.

Moreover, the German auto supplier also holds a minority stake in another California-based firm, lidar startup AEye. It has integrated a long-range lidar sensor based on AEye’s patents to complement the auto supplier’s existing short-range lidar technology.

In Other News:

A Finnish study did extensive research on passengers’ attitudes towards, and experiences while driving self-driving cars. The study is also examines passengers’ experiences of self-driving cars in winter conditions.

Given autonomous vehicles growing traction across the globe, this study enlightens many importance facets of how passengers feel inside a self-driving car.

The Finnish study explored passengers’ experiences in Helsinki, the capital of Finland, and in Muonio, a small town in Finnish Lapland. In Helsinki, passengers used a driverless shuttle bus in two test areas. In Muonio, local residents travelled with an autonomous car in heavy winter conditions on the main road. The quantitative survey included 141 people, and 70 people participated in a qualitative interview.

The findings were published in Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour.