Cybersecurity in an Ever-Evolving Digital Landscape

By: Bhaskar Ganguli, Director, Sales and Marketing, Mass Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd.


With the advent and proliferation of the internet, the world is small as nothing is obscure enough to be unknown. The Internet, like air, is omnipresent. Also like air, it is easily polluted and for a healthy cyberspace, it must be protected from dangerous elements.

The Expanding Attack Surface

Humans have never been more dependent on the internet. As the reliance and versatility of the internet increases, its vulnerability to cyberattacks also increases. Hackers have more opportunities to attack mundane automated homes, cars and offices are on the rise. They can cause havoc, not only in the professional sphere but in the domestic one as well. Cases of internet-based home-security systems being hacked are becoming increasingly common. A digital malcontent can gain access to your house without your knowledge. Cyber safety is not given much attention perhaps because a cyber-attack is not as obvious as a physical one but it is just as detrimental to the functioning of an entity. As we foray into the era of smart homes and automated transportation, the scope of cyber-attacks expands by leaps and bounds. 

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Cybersecurity

These sophisticated tools can analyze a large number of data scripts in a matter of minutes enabling organizations to act swiftly in case of an attack. Cyber-attacks are successful because of the pace at which they steal and misuse information but with AI and real-time processing of viruses, cyber attackers have found their match.

Advent of Quantum Cryptography

Quantum computers can decode encryption due to which sensitive information is exposed to viruses and attacks. To combat this, quantum cryptography is being used to safeguard. Only someone with the correct secret key will be able to access data.

Enhanced Collaboration between Public and Private Sectors

Cyber attackers do not abide by the boundaries of a nation. The cohesion between governments and businesses is the key to creating awareness, developing practices and formulating laws that lead to safety in cyberspace. Private companies need to always be on the lookout for threats that could impede their operations whereas government organizations are in a position to not only complement change but also legitimize the cyber safety practices of private companies.

Privacy and Ethical Considerations

Although, a level of data collection for verification and security is necessary. A balance must be striked as taking too much information from citizens or employees will make the government seem suspicious. Personal information that has no relation to any formality or procedure should remain personal. Trust is a crucial determinant of cybersecurity. If the people entrust their sensitive information with sensitive information willingly and the government has ethical considerations towards data then that will not only lead to a safe cyber face but a better society.

Cybersecurity Awareness and Education

If people are aware of the ramifications of cyber-attacks, they will be able to understand the threat and protect their data. Inculcating healthy cyber habits from an early age will increase data literacy and decrease the risks of cyber-attacks. Promotion of cyber safety activities in schools, organizations and offices would create widespread awareness increasing the agency of people in light of data protection.

The Bane and Boon of Internet Based structures

The more the automation, the more the threat. The convenience that the internet provides is no doubt incredible but one must not throw caution to the wind. It might seem as if cybersecurity is difficult to maintain but with the correct knowledge and tools, it is easy to protect yourself from cyberattacks. If each individual is educated about cybercrime then the future for cyber safety would be bright.