Datasamudra Enters into MoU with PGCIL


Teleindia Datacenter, also known as ‘Datasamudra’, India’s first ON-DEMAND & ON-REQUIREMENT Datacenter based at Bangalore, offering globally aligned Colocation, Hosting & Cloud services & Telecom solutions and Power Grid Corporation India Ltd (PGCIL), a Central Public Sector Enterprise in Electric Power & Fiber Optic Network Transmission, entered into a Memorandum of Understanding to integrate each other’s facilities, capabilities, & skills to enhance the user experience.

Teleindia Datacenter, also known as ‘Datasamudra’, India’s first ON-DEMAND & ON-REQUIREMENT Datacenter based in Bangalore, offering globally aligned Colocation, Hosting & Cloud services & Telecom solutions and Power Grid Corporation India Ltd (PGCIL), a Central Public Sector Enterprise in Electric Power & Fiber Optic Network Transmission, entered into a Memorandum of Understanding to integrate each other’s facilities, capabilities, & skills to enhance the user experience. Datasamudra, with the tag line ‘A Hyperscale Datacenter’, is an “On-Demand, On-Requirement Datacenter”, offering Co-Location, Hosting & Cloud Services – a first in the Indian Subcontinent. Hyperscale means “scalable”. The data center solutions & services are modeled with very high adaptability to the changing needs & performance requirements in-line with “On-Demand, On-Requirement”. Features such as Availability, Reliability, and Scalability are the already accepted norms, but Datasamudra extends additionally Flexibility, Mobility & Security which are the newer norms turning a regular data center to a Smart data center. Under the Government of India initiative for Data Residency requirement of the Policy – both Critical & Non-Critical data storage has to reside in India, Datasamudra is ready to be compliant to this policy requirements. As well this conception & execution is in support of the National initiative –“Make in India” Project & “Be Vocal About Local”. PGCIL intercity data center fiber connectivity gives a unique OPGW solution that directly addresses the expectations set by new-age customers like OTTs and enterprise carriers. PGCIL owns and operates approx. 74,109 km of Telecom Network, Points of Presence (POP) in 458 locations, Points of Interconnections in 780 locations & Intra City network in 256 cities across India.

“Our association with PGCIL goes back to our telecom business,” Managing Director, Teleindia, Mahanthesh KA, while signing the accordance with PGCIL, remarked – “This is a great moment. This collaboration with PGCIL, is the ‘Synergy’, for the enhancement of the customer experience – a process that directly influences customer benefits like improving time-to-market, enhancing predictability & reliability. We are confident to achieve our goal on Data Center business.”PGCIL authority on this tie-up stated “Our association with Teleindia Datasamudra has been a very valuable partnership. We look forward to making Datasamudra one of our business valued partner.” As per the MoU, PGCIL will leverage on Datasamudra facility in Bangalore to install their PoP (Point of Presence) which will help PGCIL to take their Fibre connectivity to industries across Industrial areas around Bangalore Airport. Data Samudra will be able to jointly offer its portfolio of services and PGCIL connectivity to their clients who host or collocate in their data center. Both parties also agree to jointly market their cross-portfolio to their respective clients.