GBB connectors from Gigalane now in stock at Powell Electronics


Now available through Powell Electronics, the supplier of connectors and more for high-rel applications including defence, aerospace and industrial, are 2nd generation GBB board to board connectors from Gigalane. Very cost-effective and reliable, the devices benefit from a weight reduction of 25% thanks to a new material and manufacturing method and offer an excellent mechanical and electric performance. The main target applications are board-to-board and board-to-module RF interconnections.

Technical details of 2nd generation GBB connectors include a frequency from DC up to 8.5 GHz, impedance of 50 Ω, insulation resistance of 5000 MΩ and a dielectric withstand voltage of 1,000 Vrms. VSWR is 1.20:1 at 3.0 GHz, 1.25:1 at 6.0 GHz and 1.30:1 at 8.5 GHz.

About Powell Electronics

Powell Electronics is a specialist at high reliability, harsh environment connector design, manufacturing and supply chain. In the USA, Powell has 70,000 square feet of connector manufacturing capabilities at its Swedesboro, NJ facility, which is certified to ISO9001 and