Percepio Announced Halts All Sales to Russia and Belarus in Support of Ukraine


Västerås, Sweden- Percepio has announced that it will stop selling its software tools to customers in Russia and Belarus in a move to express solidarity with Ukraine. The sales ban, which comes into force immediately, includes all types of software and evaluation licenses for Percepio Tracealyzer and Percepio DevAlert, and will remain in effect until further notice.

“What is happening in Ukraine is so shocking and reprehensible that we simply don’t want to support Russian and Belarus companies anymore,” said Percepio CEO Johan Kraft, adding: “While we realize our effect is small, we hope that our example will encourage other tech companies to follow suit.”

About Percepio

Percepio is the leading provider of visual trace diagnostics for embedded and IoT software systems in development and in the field. Percepio Tracealyzer combines software tracing with powerful visualizations, allowing users to visually spot and analyze issues in software recordings during development and testing. Percepio DevAlert is a cloud service for monitoring deployed IoT devices, combining automatic, real-time error reporting with visual trace diagnostics powered by Tracealyzer. Complimentary evaluation licenses are available for both products.

Percepio collaborates with leading vendors of processors and operating systems within embedded system and IoT such as Infineon, NXP Semiconductors, STMicroelectronics, Renesas Electronics, Wind River Systems and Amazon Web Services. Percepio is based in Västerås, Sweden.

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