Siemens’ Sokol Flex OS supports RISC-V


Siemens Digital Industries Software announced that its Sokol Flex OS software now supports RISC-V embedded development with the availability of one of the industry’s first commercially supported, extensible, and customisable Linux platforms for the RISC-V architecture.

Based on the open-source Yocto Project industry standard, Siemens‘ Sokol Flex OS helps embedded developers create customised, Linux-based systems for RISC-V architectures. Siemens’ Sokol Flex OS for the RISC-V architecture streamlines application development, allowing customers to focus on value-add differentiation.

Security and cloud enabled, Siemens’ Sokol Flex OS features built-in security to monitor and detect common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVEs) and is commercially supported to help customers develop reliable systems.

In addition, Sokol Flex OS for RISC-V customers receive quarterly updates and security patches, including a robust toolchain for software performance analysis. Siemens is a strategic member of RISC-V International and has been involved in its development.