- Sahasra Semiconductors Private limited; One of its kind companies in India owned by a private sector.
- We will be manufacturing semiconductor packaging there for the memory industry, known as Nand Flash IC
TimesTech Buzz: Tell us about Sahasra’s journey so far? Give a brief overview of Sahasra’s offerings?
Manwani: Sahasra is a Sanskrit word which means millennium, so it all began in 2000. Since then, our journey has been fantastic. We are a renowned name in the electronic market. Also, I’m proud to say that even before the government announced the ‘make in India’ program we had been producing in India, for India and even aboard.
Since we are an electronic company, we produce electronics for different categories, most of them being B2B category oriented like PCB manufacturing, EMS (Electronic Manufacturing Services)- under this the PCB’s are populated with the electronic components, LED lighting- this work of ours is done overseas in Rwanda, East Africa, Memory solutions- like USB, memory card, SSD and last vertical is a complete product portfolio for high-tech products such as automotive Dash cams, mother boards, servers, industrial panels etc. This vertical is under a joint venture with a very big Taiwanese company, MiTAC Holdings Corporation signed back in 2017.
TimesTech Buzz: Where are the manufacturing units of Sahasra located? Which product of Sahasra seeks the maximum traction?
Manwani: We have two manufacturing units in Noida, Uttar Pradesh, another in Rwanda, East Africa. Also, we are in process of setting up two more manufacturing units one in Noida- for manufacturing the export products and one in Bhiwadi, Rajasthan. These are expected to be operational from April and October 2021 respectively.
Our EMS and PCB assembling portfolio are the largest revenue generators. Although, consumer touch points are our memory solutions like USB, micro-SD cards etc. Talking about more Hi-Tech products then the mother boards we manufacture for servers are quite popular because of their outstanding quality. So, different verticals have different products in demand. We started building a mother board business in 2019 and it got great response from the market too but in 2020 the things got washed off during the pandemic. Even though the demand has started to speed up again and we are positive for starting to export it also till 2021.
TimesTech Buzz: Is there any plan to form a partners’ network for Sahasra?
Manwani: Being a manufacturing company, our focus has always been into production. However, over the years we have realized what is needed to capture the B2C market and we are trying to set up an online cum offline distribution system into place. We are already planning for some sort of distribution channels for our memory products and simultaneously trying to cover more with them.
TimesTech Buzz: What will be the key focus areas for the next 6-12 months? Any Plans to work with Central or State Government in future?
For us all the business categories are key focus areas. Yes, if we talk vertical wise then two things that have our primary attention is the Semiconductor business, as it’s a new business and requires proper time to get fully established and the other is our Automotive Dash Cams, as initially we enlightened the public about its benefits and uses. Now the demand has started to pour in after gaining knowledge about it.
Our HQ is in Noida, Uttar Pradesh therefore, we work mostly from here. Yes, we have purchased land from the Rajasthan government for our upcoming business division and there are many attractive states in the south about which we keep on hearing but it will take some time to reach there but we will surely. For now, we are booked if I may say. In terms of central government, firstly I have a lot of praises for them for the kind of schemes they have introduced during the last few years. We have been beneficiary and recipient of all their schemes.
Some of our products are going in smart cities directly or indirectly. Also, our Dash Cams are a smart product under which we are bringing a new version really soon. It will have 4G connected data, data transfer facility, enhanced security, ADAS features, dual camera- to monitor drivers behaviour too and it will be connected to car telematics.
TimesTech Buzz: What is the GTM strategy for Sahasra to make Dash Cams popular among the customers?
Mnwani: For the past two to three years, we only made the customers aware about our product and now is the time when we are seeing huge attraction in the market. Hence, this is the time to grow. So, in short, our market strategy will be first capturing the offline market, then going for the online market by selling on ecommerce sites and we will be working with the government too, as it’s important.
Electronics is today the backbone of any sector! Every vehicle has 30%-40% of electronic items in it and this becomes 50% in luxury cars. So, not specifically in EV but yes, we will be taking part in the supply chain. Also, because we are already providing electronic sub-assemblies to the ones in the EV sector like for a company in the UK that makes electric bikes and there is conversation going on with some Two-Wheeler companies in India as well.
TimesTech Buzz: Please elaborate about your skill development program?
Manwani: By our Skill Developing program with the government, we are into training the youth or upskilling at the existing companies, so that they get empowered and have exposure for their future. As there are whole new investments happening in the country for the electronic phase like EV, IOT, ML and mobile phones so there are many new skills they need to cover. As skilled manpower is a drawback in the country, for that we are preparing the youth. We have already trained 8000-10,000 students and for that we are partners and members with ESSCI under the National Skill Development Corporation.
TimesTech Buzz: How has the worldwide pandemic COVID 19 affected the company?
Manwani: Our Training centre was badly affected but we made it online and reasonably succeeded and sent physical kits with the help of some partners. I must say the management played a very crucial role. As we even make equipment for the medical sector, so it was very important to start operations in regard to support. Therefore, while maintaining the guidelines and along with permissions from the government. We started our work again from 17th April last year.
TimesTech Buzz: What message would you like to give to young professionals & our readers?
Manwani: As India is becoming the start-up capital of the world, it’s a very good signal that the youth is moving in the correct direction. I would say dream big and execute on your plans, even if you fail, you learn and that will help you do even better.