WELTEC BIOPOWER presents biogas technologies at Salón del Gas Renovable


Spain has a very strong food sector and an intensive agriculture and livestock industry. As a result, the untapped  feedstock potential for biomethane production is very large. According to the Spanish trade association Sedigas,  up to 163 terawatt hours of biomethane could be produced per year if all available sources were used consistently. 

WELTEC BIOPOWER supports this project with the construction of individual, technically mature solutions made of  stainless steel up to a plant size of ten megawatts. Slurry and fermentation residues produced in the biogas process can be  processed into water, fertilizer concentrate and valuable solids in a four-stage process using Kumac treatment technology.  This process offers a viable, scalable solution, particularly in agricultural regions. 

“Not least on the basis of the modular design of our digesters, a consistently high quality of the stainless steel tanks and  efficient digestion of the input materials are also ensured. The technologies have already proven themselves in over 25 countries under very different climatic conditions,” reports Alain Priser, International Sales Manager at WELTEC BIOPOWER. 

For example, in September 2023, the biomethane plant of CycleØ, a complete biomethane supplier, was inaugurated in  Granja La Carbona, Spain, in the province of Lleida. For this project, WELTEC BIOPOWER supplied a high-quality digester  made of Duplex stainless steel. The developer, owner and operator of the biomethane plant is also planning to collaborate  on another project with the German biogas plant manufacturer in the coming months. „Such measures will relieve farmers  and their livestock farms in their manure management and support the goal of becoming climate neutral by 2050,“ knows  Mark Kornweibel, WELTEC BIOPOWER‘s Spanish sales partner. 

To provide further information on the use of different substrates and the biogas technologies required for this, the team  from WELTEC BIOPOWER will be available at the Salón del Gas Renovable trade fair: On October 3 and 4, Mark Kornweibel  and Alain Priser will inform interested professional visitors about technologies and services of the biogas plant manufacturer  at the III Renewable Gas Fair in Valladolid at WELTEC BIOPOWER‘s booth 253.