Rohde & Schwarz 2 minutes competition enters phase 2


Voting opens in the competition to identify the most unusual use for an R&S Scope Rider – the new handheld oscilloscope with benchtop performance and functionality from Rohde & Schwarz.

The Rohde & Schwarz 2 minutescompetition to find the most innovative use for its recently announced R&S Scope Rider enters its second phase, as eight videos submitted by finalists are posted onto the 2 minutes competition website ( and subjected to a public vote. Voting will close on 30 November, and the overall winner will be named on 15 December.

Steven Edwards, Marketing Director at Rohde & Schwarz UK Ltd. said, “We had a great response with entries from 30 different countries. We knew that the R&S Scope Rider can be used in a host of innovative and unusual ways, but we’ve been stunned by the diversity of entries that we’ve seen. We’ve had submissions from around the world, and the R&S Scope Rider is being used in the garden, on the road and even on the high seas. The ruggedness, robustness and performance of R&S Scope Rider make it a truly go-anywhere instrument.”

 A panel of Rohde & Schwarz judges reviewed the written submissions received and selected the eight most unusual or innovative entries. Each of these entrants has been given a GoPro Hero4 silver camera as a runner up prize and loaned an R&S Scope Rider, and been invited to make a video demonstrating their idea. These videos have now been posted online on the competition website. One lucky winner will be selected based on a combination of audience votes and the judges’ final opinion. The winner will be presented with the star prize of an R&S Scope Rider.

 To start the event, Rohde & Schwarz launched an R&S Scope Rider into space. After a flight of two and a half hours at up to 32km in temperatures of -60°C, the instrument was still fully operational. 

 The Rohde & Schwarz Scope Rider is the first handheld oscilloscope with the functionality and touch and feels of a state‑of‑the‑art lab oscilloscope. It is equally impressive in the lab and in the field. With an acquisition rate of 50,000 waveforms per second, a 10‑bit A/D converter developed by Rohde & Schwarz and a maximum bandwidth of 500 MHz for the analog input channels, it outperforms comparable bench instruments. R&S Scope Rider is based on a high‑performance oscilloscope featuring a precise digital trigger system, 33 automatic measurement functions, mask test and XY diagram mode. In addition, it integrates four further instrument functions: a logic analyzer with eight additional digital channels, a protocol analyzer with trigger and decoding capability, a data logger, and a digital multimeter.