Seica launches New FlyStrain Programmer Tool for Flying Prober


The FlyStrain Option is a programmer tool to verify board mechanical stress on Flying Probe shown first time at SMT2023 in Nuremberg this year. The PILOT VX with FlyStrain Programmer Tool is Seica’s fully automated solution, which includes a multitude of new hardware and software features, all aimed at addressing the fundamental concerns of electronic board manufacturers looking to optimize their investment.

The Pilot VX is the new gold standard in terms of flying probe speed and performance: new, state-of-the-art mechanical performance and motion control enables a reduction of up to 50% in test time, 12 multi-function test heads provide the capability to contact up to 44 points simultaneously, technologically advanced measurement hardware and a new microwave-based measurement technique provide unrivaled test performance, optimized VIVA software management enables the parallelization of different types of tests, saving even more time, and smart analysis capabilities together with algorithms based on the principles of artificial intelligence can automatically optimize the test flow in run-time, while maintaining test coverage targets. Seica’s flying prober can test fully loaded double-side boards with components that also need to be programmed, LEDs to be tested electrically and optically, flex circuits, and very small and very large boards with very small and very large components.

In addition, the Pilot VX can now also generate pressure/force topology maps of the device under test using the innovative FlyStrain option. 

Once a necessity for traditional fixture-based solutions, Seica has migrated these new tools to the flying prober where testing of ceramics, wafers and avionics and satellite boards requires delicate probing and traceability. In short, the Pilot VX is a flexible, configurable test system with an unrivaled set of technologically advanced tools, able to provide the test solutions required by the huge diversity which characterize today’s electronics, and is now key in many high-volume production environments.

This kind of analysis is already performed on sample boards for Bed-of-Nails system. The Flystrain Option is available only on Pilot VX and generates a graphical interface for fast analysis and log file for statistical analysis.