SkyDrive and IIT Hyderabad join forces for India’s logistics drone market


SkyDrive, a leading Japanese  eVTOL aircraft manufacturer based in Japan, is pleased to announce that the  company has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Technology  Innovation Hub on Autonomous Navigation (TiHAN) Foundation, Indian Institute of  Technology Hyderabad (“TiHAN”) to collaborate on unmanned drone technology to  expand the drone market in India.  

With the mission of “taking the lead in the once-in-a-century mobility revolution,”  SkyDrive is developing accessible eVTOL aircraft for daily passenger transportation and  heavy-lift drones for cargo transportation.  

Indian Institutes of Technology Hyderabad (“IITH”) has been consistently ranked in the  top 10 institutes in India for Engineering according to the National Institutional Ranking  Framework issued by the Ministry of Education, Government of India, and top notch engineers conduct research on cutting-edge technologies. SkyDrive will be  collaborating with TiHAN, India’s first autonomous navigation testbed facility at IITH for  developing and carrying out activities related to heavy-lift drones. 

Explaining TiHAN-IITH efforts in Autonomous Navigation, Professor P. Rajalakshmi,  Project Director, said, “TiHAN IIT Hyderabad is excited to announce a strategic  partnership with SkyDrive Inc. to collectively develop and execute activities about heavy  lifting drone technology. This partnership marks a significant step forward in the  advancement of drone capabilities, focusing on the design, development, and  deployment of innovative heavy-lifting drone solutions.” 

India faces various challenges in its land-based logistics system and the development  of drones as a new means of logistics holds significant meaning. With a shared goal of creating a market for logistics drones in India, the two parties will be sharing expertise  and exploring the market opportunities. 

This collaboration was possible with the support of Suzuki Innovation Centre (SIC), a collaborative initiative between Suzuki Motor Corporation Japan (SMC) and IIT  Hyderabad with a mission to build an open innovation platform to foster innovation for  the benefit of both India and Japan.