Stride to Net5.5G, Dive into Industry Digitalization


At the Huawei Global Analyst Summit 2023,Huawei held a session themed “Stride to Net5.5G, Boost New Growth” to share  technology trends and future use cases with industry partners and customers,  as well as jointly discuss the development direction of Net5.5G. 

Qiu Yuefeng, Vice President of Huawei’s Data Communication Product Line, said  that, as digitalization gathers pace, 10 Gbps access will soon be available to  every person, every family, and every organization. Net5.5G provides end-to end technological innovations to better adapt to different service scenarios. For  example, in 2C, 2H, and 2B scenarios, Net5.5G leverages a host of cutting-edge  technologies, such as 800GE converged bearer network, 800GE digital private  network, 800GE AI Fabric data center network (DCN), and latest-generation  Wi-Fi, to deliver 10 Gbps network access anytime, anywhere. 

Many bandwidth-hungry services, such as high definition (HD) videos and  extended reality (XR), are emerging in 2C and 2H scenarios. To better support  these new services, mobile and fixedt are evolving towards 5.5G and  F5.5, respectively, through ultra-broadband technology innovations. To keep  pace, the data communication network, as a fundamental bearer network, is  striding towards 800GE converged bearer network so as to deliver ultimate 10  Gbps service experience in these scenarios.

In the 2B scenario, as we dive deeper into industry digitalization, more  differentiated requirements are raised for network performance. This is where  Net5.5G comes in. Leveraging 800GE digital private network technology,  Net5.5G can build differentiated digital service bearer networks for different  industries. And empowered by latest-generation Wi-Fi (Wi-Fi 7) and high 

density 10GE switches, Net5.5G can bring 10 Gbps network access to all  services on enterprise campus networks. With the cloudification of industry  services, the application experience also relies on how fast the cloud responds  to service needs. By means of 800GE AI Fabric DCN technology, Net5.5G  enables real-time interaction between cloud applications and data, ensuring  lossless service experience for terminal users. 

Rome was not built in a day. As pointed out by Qiu Yuefeng, Net5.5G will keep  on breaking through capability boundaries to better serve industry digitalization.  Meanwhile, Huawei will continue to work with global industry partners to  explore the development direction of Net5.5G and promote the vigorous  development of Net5.5G. 

At the session, many distinguished guests shared their thought-provoking  insights, for example, Yang Tao, Secretary-General of the World WLAN Application Alliance (WAA); Ma Ke from the China Academy of Information and  Communications Technology (CAICT); and Professor Fan Chun from Peking University. Together, they discussed the important role of networks in  facilitating digital transformation across industries, as well as the challenges  and countermeasures of data communication networks in enabling digital  transformation across industries. Beyond that, they shared their outlook and  suggestions for the development of the data communication industry.