VR holds endless possibilities in the business world: Kanav


Interactive experiences emphasise the benefit of the connection between the users and the environment. Virtual Reality (VR) provided use cases at every stage of the marketing and sales process. This is essential since people base their purchasing decisions on their experiences, so the product must be shown as precisely as possible. It has been witnessed that companies are now collaborating on upcoming products that will transform the VR landscape. TimesTech interacted with Mr. Kanav Singla, Founder & CEO, Metadome to know more about virtual relaity and its application.

Read the full interview here:

TimesTech: Tell us more about the application of Virtual Reality in the automotive industry?

Kanav: The utilization of virtual reality in automobiles can be used to create immersive product experiences, train professionals running industrial equipment, educate new drivers, and test drivers and vehicles in dangerous situations.

Notable automakers expressing interest in virtual reality:

  • Audi is incorporating this technology into their vehicles through the Audi VR experience.
  • Toyota launched the new C-HR car virtually using ZeroLight VR.
  • Utilizing this technology, dealerships like Vroom are showcasing their inventory remotely.
  • Mahindra, India’s mega automotive company, is ready to launch its new Scorpio N virtually with Metadome.ai.

TimesTech: How is virtual reality turning into a game-changer?

Kanav: Many organizations have started to experience recently that virtual reality can assist teams in engaging more effectively, working with higher productivity, and accomplishing marvelous new things.

Here’s how VR is impacting many industries:

  • Improve team collaboration
  • Better employee training
  • Crucial for developing simulations
  • Assistance with sales & marketing

Virtual reality holds endless possibilities in the business world, from designing powerful new products to helping teams utilize the best tools. With the right VR solution, businesses can level up their game and identify new opportunities in product development, work efficiency, and cost-effectiveness.

The projects businesses work with will evolve as virtual reality worlds become more immersive.

TimesTech: What are the Expected automated technology trends in 2022?

Kanav: In the recent report by Gartner, the latest trends in automated technology can be listed as

  • By the fall of 2025, over half of the global population will be subjected to at least one of the internet of behaviors (IoB) programs (commercial, governmental, or private).
  • By 2025, 40% of physical experience-based companies will improve financial outcomes and outperform competitors by getting into paid virtual experiences.
  • By 2024, businesses with IT professionals who understand customers’ needs will outperform competitors’ customer experience metrics by 20%.
  • By 2023, 40% of all enterprise workloads will be shifted to cloud infrastructure and platform services, up from 20% in 2020.
  • By 2024, enhancements in analytics and automatic remediation capabilities will reintroduce 30% of IT operations efforts, from support to continuous engineering.
  • By 2023, 40% of platform and product teams will use AIOps for automated change risk analysis in DevOps work pipelines, dropping unplanned downtime by 20%.
  • Gartner suggests over 75% of big enterprises in developed economies will use container management by 2024 due to the growing adoption of cloud-native apps and infrastructure.
  • By 2025, 50% of businesses will have devised artificial intelligence (AI) orchestration platforms to establish AI, up from less than 10% in 2020.

TimesTech: What is Metadome’s experience in interaction approach towards their offerings?

Kanav: The initial two versions of the Internet—Web 1.0 and 2.0—were relatively staid compared to Web 3.0. Today with the early adoption of Web 3.0, the complete environment of the internet is shifting to a virtual experience in the Metaverse.

Intriguing & streamlined interface: The user interface is what sets a clear boundary between 360-degree videos, 3D video games, and the Metaverse. The VR games of Metaverse sync the RPG gameplay format with a better visual interface to provide a completely immersive user experience.